Saturday, May 3, 2008

The Garden of My Soul - Spring Collection 2008

Dear Friend,

The garden is a place of both life and death. I have never visited a cemetery without flowers; nor a funeral where a rose was absent. Even though the two seem so opposite in their relation, they are correlated inevitably in life. Flowers are so delicate and futile - a petal can be broken by a grace of a finger - Yet they find strength to break through soil and rocks to bloom and turn their faces to the sun. In the hours of darkness, disappointment and despair I have found the strength and hope in Christ to look beyond my circumstances and turn to Christ. The concept of a garden was God’s idea. He loves beauty and created flora for our His pleasure. The Bible says that the Garden of Eden was “…pleasing to the eye…” (Genesis 2:9), and God himself even enjoyed taking a stroll through it (Genesis 3:7-9). However, He also chose this same place of where life began, to bury His one and only Son… Jesus died for all our sins and lay in a tomb - in a garden - for 3 days! He conquered our sins, left them in the tomb, and rose to Heaven. As you enter the garden of my soul, please walk gently and listen carefully. You may even see the LORD’s footprints imprinted on each flower and I urge you not to hide yourself, but to submit to His will, leave your burdens in the tomb of Jesus, and turn your face to the Son.

Sprouting forward,
